Welcome to the Dulwich Paragon forum

Here you can post about anything club-related that takes your fancy. Organise a ride, sell a bit of kit, ask questions, share routes, read or write race results and reports… entirely up to you!

This forum is viewable for club members only. Simply use your RiderHQ username and password to log in and it will automatically recognise you as a member. And if you’re not a member, you can join us here.

We have categories for rides, racing, for sale, and general chat. Within those you can use pre-selected tags to help make your post easier to find. (If there’s a tag that isn’t there but you think would be useful, send @DulwichParagon a direct message and we’ll add it.)

There is also a category for announcements (you can’t post here but you can reply to threads), and member information - which is a great resource for frequently asked questions in the club.

If you are a member and you find that you are unable to log in, then check that your membership of the club hasn’t expired!

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